I realised I wrote a lot about pricing mistakes, inefficiencies and sub-optimal outcomes.
What about some solutions?
Is there a way to manage the commercial side of running a software services company in a way that leads to better results?
I am convinced there is.
Starting from some fundamental aspects of human psychology, based on my experience, mistakes I made, using things learned from people I worked with, from books and scientific papers, I have created this Value Framework:

This is an opinionated framework for putting into practice the value based pricing and value selling mindsets.
I have applied some of these methods and tools over the years, sometimes without even knowing they are parts of a framework.
A while ago, I tried to document and describe a more structured approach.
After using this in many projects and collaborations with software companies, I am now confident that this can work very well, because I have seen the results.
Instead of writing about the mechanics, the tools or why it works, I would rather just list the impact this had in real-life projects:
- Competing on value, not on price
- A more efficient sales process
- Ability to raise rates without losing customers
- Higher win rates for proposals made
- Reduce the need for heavy discounting
Where there is a will, there is a way.
(Not my words, just an old saying that I think fits perfectly here.)