Pricing benchmarks for tech services 2024

Discover industry-standard pricing benchmarks and outsmart your competition

Pricing is the silent killer of cash flow for services companies. How you calculate, communicate and negotiate your prices matters. 

Pricing benchmarks for tech services 2024 is an initiative to gather data from companies with 50 to 1.000 employees, active in any of these sectors:

↳ IT services, IT consulting and IT outsourcing

↳ Software agencies

↳ Web/dev shops

↳ Software houses

On November 1st we will launch a report with the results and we will send it to everyone who participates in the survey.

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What matters for pricing?

How you CALCULATE your rate card and the data you take into account matters.

What you COMMUNICATE to potential customers with your sales proposals and how you structure your projects matters.

How your teams NEGOTIATE your prices, with new clients, as well as with existing ones, has a significant impact on your financial results.

importance of pricing
How we do pricing is one of the most important pillars of the company.
Jedrek Fulara
CTO and co-founder, Sparkbit

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